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Winter magic L'Etivaz

Etendues poudreuses
Etendues poudreuses

Soothing silence, unusual tracks, polar landscapes .
Spared from large crowds, this valley of the Vaud Prealps is ideal for snowshoeing.

Enough for deserving the aperitif offered!

At Maison de L'Etivaz you will discover the production secrets and the ripening cellars of this Vaud ambassador, followed by a cheese and chasselas tasting

Program :

  • takeoff 8h30; meeting point to be communicated

  • easy 5-6 KM walk in the enchanting mountain landscape of the Etivaz valley; picnic from the backpack; your hiking guide prepares hot soup & tea for all participants

  • 14h00 at Maison de L'Etivaz: film, visit of the infrastructure, tasting of local products (cheese + Chasselas wine) as a final touch

  • return around 16h30


Equipment :

  • snowshoes and telescopic poles are put at the disposal of participants

  • waterproof winter boots, winter trousers and jackets, gloves, hat, thermal underwear (optional), layered clothing system, sun protection glasses and lotion, light backpack. Small water bottle optional

  • catering and conviviality: participants organize their own picnic. Your hiking guide organizes hot soup & tea as well as a “home-made” energy snack for all participants

All inclusive price for each participant, exclusive transportation

  • 4-6 participants CHF 100 p.p.

  • 7-9 participants CHF 85 p.p.

  • 10-12 participants CHF 75 p.p.
    (price on request for bigger groups)



If required, to be organized according to group size; cost in addition to all inclusive price

Price on request for larger groups.

Download the detailed description:

Atmosphere Nature - Yves Baillod

Hiking guide, Lavaux World Heritage guide

CH - 1800 Vevey

+41 (0) 79 332 17 01,

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RiVIERA CREATION | Roger baumann

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